Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Jungle Book Essay

Disney is a conglomerate and one of the largest. A conglomerate is a mixture of two or corporations which come under one main firm. Disneys conglomerate consists of : Disney, ABC, ESPN, Lucas film, marvel. Disney is part of the BIG 6. The Big 6 are an oligopoly. They are the 6 main companies that produce media.


Jon Favreau introduced the film via social media and also introduced it by promoting it at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. They also released three teaser trailers in the lead up to the releasing of the film in cinemas. Disney have steered away from using animation and into more real life films so older audiences would be more interested as they may find animations childish. For example, Disney has done this with Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. Also with films like Pirates and the Caribbean use more violent themes to attract older audiences.Disney circulated photographs of paired actors with their onscreen characters, ESPN, Snapchat to create a living poster, Kenzo.


The differences with the length of the trailer are that the new one is longer as it has to fill the advert space on tv. Then the atmosphere is strangly different with mood a lot tenser and every thing more viscous and wanting to attract more varied audience. Back in 1967, the ‘old’ jungle book used famous jazz singers to promote the film. This was because the Jazz singers produced the soundtrack in Jungle Book. However, for the new Jungle Book, they used actors to promote because if people saw a famous actor they liked in the trailer, they would most likely go and see the film. Comparing the posters between the two productions of the jungle book you can see better technology to create the posters, making them more realistic and emotive. Also, there are a range of posters created in 2016, where as in 1967 there was only 1 poster of poor quality. The new posters show all the different characters, however, if you put them together in the correct order they all fit together to make one larger poster.In the 1967 film, Walt Disney wanted swinging sixties bands such as the Beatles to play the characters of the vultures which is who they based the characters off of for the 1967 jungle book film. Disney Vault. The "Disney Vault" is the term used by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment for its policy of putting many of its most popular home video releases of Walt Disney Animation Studios's animated features on moratorium.The re-release of the Jungle book in 2016 after the 2 previous release help to create the extreme success that has been surrounded the film as Disney itself. The film was also released onto VHS to appeal to the older audience.


To conclude, marketing has obviously changed. You could argue that with its licensing deals with Kenzo and its focus on aggressively targeting a secondary audience to build profits on the back of a family audience who always turn out for Disney films you could argue that Disney have grown smarter and more precise with their planning, however we must also not forget that there are still lots of similarities between the two eras, for example the use of stars and red carpet premieres to promote a film remains in place as does the creation of character posters and trailers as the fundamental basics of  Disney marketing so to me what is  forgotten is that Disney as a conglomerate have always been a master at marketing, it is why they are the number one entertainment conglomerate in the world and  yes some of the practices have changed but the whole reason why there was new version of The Jungle Book in the first place was because of the success of the first film, a success driven by an effective marketing campaign.

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